Last Monday saw the launch night of Barbara Duncan’s second exhibition at The Rose Leaf in Leith. The snug family run bar is a fantastic little drinking sanctuary and is famous for its antique furniture and wide selection of eclectic hats on the walls. It’s unique style was complimented by Barbara’s wonderful work.
As I perused each of her paintings, I noted strong hints towards the style of Jolomo with brave, vibrant colours and contrasts. You can definitely see a strong nod towards Barbara’s Scottish roots, with a gorgeous painting of a wild stag proudly placed next to a handsome puffin she saw in the Hebrides. Barbara’s landscapes are mind blowing, be it a painting of Arthur’s Seat composed from her studio which overlooks the iconic city based volcano, or one of the magnificent Munros in the Highlands that her and her partner have climbed.
It was early doors when the first painting was bought; a gorgeous rendition of our local dormant volcano which had been painted onto five slates from Barbara’s father’s farm. This inspiring beauty is no doubt now sitting proudly as the centre piece of one lucky art collectors home.
There’s nothing I like more than wandering round a stunning exhibition with a pint of quality local ale, and tonight was no exception.
Visit Barbara’s exhibition at The Rose Leaf, 23/24 Sandport Place, Leith, Edinburgh, EH6 6EW.
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